Ready to embark on a journey of
self-discovery through coaching conversations?

I’m here to partner you in finding clarity, re-focus and gain back control of
your life.

Get in Touch

Grow Stronger You Founder - Yan

Seeking to transform into a more refined version of yourself?

Do you sense that you are falling short of reaching your utmost potential? 

Do you desire a change, a fresh direction, yet find yourself unsure of where to begin, what to do or how to go about it? 

Are you aspiring to live your a more fulfilled life yet finding yourself feeling constantly overwhelmed or distracted? 

Are you standing at a crossroads in life, looking for clarity in figuring out your next step. 

If you identify an aspect of your life that requires attention but feel uncertain about the next steps, you are in the right place.


Learning never stops and as I continue my journey of personal growth, I am constantly exploring opportunities for collaboration and partnership. In collaboration with PSALT Care, Grow Stronger You offers coaching services to individuals.

Is Coaching for me?

Coaching is a life changing event for individuals who are aspiring to live their better lives but they find themselves held back. Whether it’s past experiences weighing you down or overwhelming emotions clouding your path, the feeling of being stuck can be much. If you find yourself unsure where to begin or how to move forward, my encouragement to you is to embrace coaching as a catalyst for change.

As a Transformation Life Coach, my role transcends mere guidance; I stand as your steadfast ally on the journey of personal growth. Together, we navigate through the complexities of growth and my commitment lies in supporting you as you cultivate a mindset that is laser-focused on learning and continuous progress.

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About Me

Greetings and thank you for being here. I’m Yan, and it’s an honor to share share my journey with you.

Over the past decade, I’ve witnessed a growing need for personal growth, prompting me to embark on my own transformative path. It has been quite an adventure with highs and lows including emotional, relational, and financial challenges that have profoundly shaped my life.

I’ve taken the time to pause and reflect; and challenge old beliefs that has granted me invaluable fresh perspectives and insights – although it hasn’t been without its challenges. 

Engaging in uncomfortable yet strangely enriching conversations has been pivotal to my growth. This is why I’m deeply passionate about coaching conversations. 

Having personally navigated mental health challenges, I understand the importance of a judgment-free approach and creating a safe environment. I firmly believe in our capacity not just to survive but to thrive and flourish, and I’m eager to join forces with you in rediscovering your fullest potential. 

Are you prepared to gain control of your life and unlock all that you can be? 

I’m here to partner with you on this journey you truly deserve.

One-on-One Online Coaching Services

About the coaching conversation

You can expect a deep and focused dialogue that encourages a shift in your thinking during a coaching conversation. I incorporate concepts and principles from Transformative Coaching, Positive Psychology and Choice Theory, that enables you to become more aware, gain insight and bring it to your conscious knowing. This will allow you to think beyond your current challenges and limitations, empowering you to make meaningful steps forward.

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What do people say?

At Grow Stronger You, my passion is to partner you in bringing forth new ways of thinking. Don’t take my word for it,
I encourage you to hear from individuals who have gained valuable outcomes from the coaching conversations.

Calm and at peace

I felt calm and at peace, knowing I am safe sharing my deepest thoughts with someone who genuinely cared, listened and echoed back what I had on my heart. Thank you Yan, for journeying with me!

Cynthia T, Singapore


Yan uses a gentle, encouraging and non-judgemental approach which makes it safe and effective when working with her. She has been instrumental in helping me to look at challenging situations with fresh perspective and gain clarity to some of the frustrations and dilemma I face. Highly recommended for those looking to work towards a better self.

C.L., Singapore


It was my first coaching experience and it was surprisingly enlightening. I felt at ease, realised much more about myself and my hidden strengths. I definitely want to chat with Yan again! Thank you!

Eve, Singapore

Revealing my heart

I was surprised when Yan can tell from my micro-expressions how I maybe feeling at the points of the conversation and she asked if the feelings are as she observed.

It goes to show how Yan is able to help process and clear up the mental clutter
I have and reveal the light behind my clouds.

Eddie L, late 40s, Singapore


Gentle and pragmatic

I truly value Yan’s pragmatical approach to get me out of mind-driven “rabbit holes”. Her very “tai-chi” way gently redirects the energy to shed light on the truly relevant topics according to my values and goals.

Jessica Trejo, 42, based in Germany



Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

Certified Professional Transformational Coach (Advanced Practitioner), Coach Masters Academy

Certified Choice Theory Reality Therapist, William Glasser International

Master of Social Science (Professional Counselling), Swinburne University of Technology

Work with me

Are you unsure about coaching or curious about it? I would love to speak with you, simply book an exploratory session with me to know about coaching or just want to learn more about my coaching services, please get in touch! Please select this link for Asia timezones or select this link for other timezone.

Alternatively, you may wish to fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we are!


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